To say "goodbye"
Back in July I posted that my grandpa was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and it's almost over.
I can't believe it. This man fought in WWII, he has a tattoo on his arm that says "badass" in Serbian, he worked in the steel mines in Pennsylvania and survived TWO floods.
And he is dying.
While I'm more ready for this... my dad and sisters are not (grandpa lives with them). They haven't done the slow death thing and watched someone suffer like I have, and I wish that it wasn't this way.
My dad is taking it very hard... he doesn't cry or say anything, but I was in the garage (the man cave) and I noticed that the workbench was spotless-atypical for dad. Apparently he is staying up all night and cleaning, as a way to cope.
I just wish that I could have gotten pregnant earlier so he could have been around to see his great-grandchild. I know that I have nothing to do with it, but I wish that it could have somehow been better.