Monday, August 11, 2008


Ummmm... in the year that we have been TTC... I have NEVER spotted. I never spot after an exam, after sex, before my period-NEVER!

So... here I am on what I *think* is CD29 and 7DPO (I can't tell with my chart the way it is-I should temp the next few days)...

All I can think is WTF?!?!?!

I don't spot and here I am trying to NOT start my period so I can take my injections class and also trying to plan my pre-med ultrasound because I have to call a sub for the day.... and hello spotting UGH!!

I can only HOPE that it is implantation spotting (there is always hope.... or so I've been told)

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Ooh hopefully it is implantation spotting! I want to be an AUNTIE!!