So today I have my first CD3 appt with the dildo-cam (didn't bother me at all) and the CNM looked at my ovaries and uterus. She said that my uterus is shaped normal- Whoot! That I didn't have any cycts- another whoot! And that my lining was very thin- my period is just about over (yeah... I only have like a 3 day period.... sometimes only one real day and then two days of spotting)
I said that my lining being this thin doesn't give me hope for it being think when it needs to be (you know... like the past 14 cycles... and this one coming up) and she said- yeah.
I told her that I worry with the Clomid, I won't have any lining left. She again said "yeah" and said that they would probably change my treatments next cycle, with no Clomid. That's fine... but it already doesn't look great so far for this cycle : (
We can always wait and see what it looks like on my CD12 U/S. She caught me in the hall before I left and said "Today isn't CD3 for you.... you got your period so late in the day that it is considered CD2"....
My first thought- you guys told me how to count the days wrong- They said after noon=CD1... you start before noon=CD zero.... oops.
They I said, well... that makes my lining even thinner then doesn't it? Because it is only CD2 and she said "yeah, it does"
Great... another thing to overcome.... I am just wishing that when we go for the CD12(well... I guess it's CD11 technically...whatever) appt that my lining has cooperated.
we live
10 years ago
Reading that left me with a headache. Yikes! Well let's see what happens on
I had thin lining too. My "lucky" cycle I did spinach salads every night and it really helped. Just a thought since it can't hurt right? GL!
::Running off to get some baby spinach::- Like the "baby" spinach!LOL!!!
Looks like dinner is served! Thanks Kitty!!
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