Saturday, September 20, 2008


I took my first IM shot last night. As soon as DH got home we got everything together to do it.

I cried... I didn't want to take the shot... it wasn't the needle... it was the fact that I HAVE TO take it and the DH HAS to give it.

If I had gone into an office I would have felt better... but here at home in my kitchen... it was too much and I cried.

It hurt... not gonna lie. The needle didn't hurt as much, but the meds going in DID!! Now this morning my arm is KILLING ME!

I just hope that at tomorrows appt (7:30am) that there are some GREAT follies and the my lining looks GOOD and we are ready to trigger in the next few days. I don't want to take more Repronex and drive for more u/s.

Let's just hope that this works!


kim said...

I am doing the PIO IM shots and I find that it helps to massagethe area with my palm right after the injection, and then lay on a heating pad (over the injection site) for about 15 minutes.

Valerie said...

I'm sorry! Sending good luck your way!

Just Me said...

Thanks for the well-wishes and the tips!!

I iced my arm before and after the shot to help, but next time I will rub it as well

Ariella said...

I am sorry, shots suck. I have heard the rubbing helps too. I hope if you need another shot it doesn't hurt so badly.