So.... I haven't had enough time to think let alone Blog about it. So with the 3 day holiday weekend I have some time on my hands and thought that I would catch up...
We got up at 7am so we could get to the injections class on time. We arrive and there is one other couple already there. We waited for the others to show and DH and I sat there and made some light jokes about the situation.
They gathered us all up and we headed downstairs (in silence). We all sat down and got started. We were the only ones to bring the "required" materials- Our meds, needles, paperwork and an orange. So we waited for another nurse to bring the paperwork down for those "other" people UGH!!
So we learned about the "cycle steps" and when to call and what to do. The nurse "reminded" all the couples that there is no drinking, smoking, or caffeine allowed during a treatment cycle. One of the other girls asked "is that just for the girls?... or the guys too?"
Uh.... they told us MONTHS ago that BOTH people had to be "clean"... the other husbands didn't seem to happy with that information! "It's football season!!" one husband said- LOL!!
So DH and I were the most experienced couples there.... we knew the most about our reproductive health and how to mix and give injections and when to call (did NOBODY else read the information and watch the video like they TOLD us to do?!?!?!)
So I look at my needles... no sub-q needles.... "um.... I don't have any sub-q needles" Nurse " let me see.... that's because Dr, Murray wants you to take your repronex in your arm, in the muscle"..... (nice)
So I pouted that I had to take more shots in the muscle(the HCG trigger is intramuscular) and while I did that the lady that asked if her husband was allowed to drink and smoke had a sheepish grin on her face (bitch)... then the nurse went on to talk about the HCG trigger and informed the biotch that it must be done intramuscular- Ha Ha!!!! You have to suffer too!!!
Then another woman from across the table said "I don't have any sub-q needles either" and I made the connection- weight. She was overweight and so was I, I didn't need to ask... but she did. The nurse skirted around the fact.... "um....size"... she said (and didn't want to)
So... because I'm FAT I have to take all my shots in the muscle because it absorbs better that will all that fat...bleh...
So... then we talked about what to do after the IUI- Wait 5-7 days then have your progesterone tested (pick up the supplements if necessary) then wait till 16 days after the IUI and if you have NOT got your period, you can take a HPT. If there is a + then you continue the progesterone (if necessary) and come in for 3 betas (every-other day) If there isn't a + HPT then you quit your progesterone and wait to start the cycle all over again.
Then we got to the part where the nurse told us NOT to get too excited about the + HPT because "a lot can happen".... We talked about what they will do if that happens and it was all a little much.
The good thing was that the couples in the class were very diverse (2-35+ and 2 less than 35. 2 overweight and 2 average size. One couple had a baby through the RE already and was there for #2- It was nice to know that "it's not just you and it's not your fault)
Then.... everything hit me... we are still NOT PREGNANT and we NEED this help.... UGH.... we were supposed to meet a couple for brunch-canceled. We were supposed to go to a friends BBQ-Canceled on them too. We went home to sleep.
I was so tired after a week of work that when my alarm went off.... I didn't know what day it was... so maybe my feeling down had something to do with needing sleep... but that's all I did that day.
we live
9 years ago