Wednesday, November 26, 2008


These are some of the things that ease the morning sickness and headaches... in addition to the Preggie Pops and the Sea Band.


So far... I HATE feeling like shit, instead of feeling happy/pregnant!!!!

I KNOW that we tired really hard for this... but I am having a very hard time sharing my body with a blueberry that insists on causing my uterus to cramp, and make me want to VOMIT all over myself... all the time.

I KNOW that once all the 1st tri side-effects wear off and I actually feel pregnant (and everyone knows that I am) I will LOVE being pregnant... and then the 3rd tri comes along with all it's jewels(but you feel pregnant).

But... right now... the side effects are KILLING me!!!

Side effects to date;
Morning Sickness
Food aversions
No sex drive (at all)

Monday, November 24, 2008

7 weeks...

Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


We saw it!!!

It looked like a teeny blob with a flicker!!! COOL!!!

(Will post picture later)

Monday, November 17, 2008

6 weeks...

Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gestational Sac...

We saw it! Right in the uterus like it should be and there was only one!

They said that next week we will see the heart beat and that has me completely terrified! What if it isn't there?!?!

Dh and I already talked about not freaking out over it, but still.

So for now, I'm still carrying one perfectly healthy baby!!!

5 weeks, 5 days pregnant.

Friday, November 14, 2008

He's gone...

My grandpa passed away at 1am last night.

I wish him a speedy trip to heaven, and hope that he finds comfort there.

On a more selfish note, I am hoping that with his passing, that tomorrows appointment brings us good news.

::Jedie... if you can hear me up there.... please put in a good word for me and the baby... and say 'hi' to Nannie for me too! Love you!::

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Almost time...

To say "goodbye"

Back in July I posted that my grandpa was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and it's almost over.

I can't believe it. This man fought in WWII, he has a tattoo on his arm that says "badass" in Serbian, he worked in the steel mines in Pennsylvania and survived TWO floods.

And he is dying.

While I'm more ready for this... my dad and sisters are not (grandpa lives with them). They haven't done the slow death thing and watched someone suffer like I have, and I wish that it wasn't this way.

My dad is taking it very hard... he doesn't cry or say anything, but I was in the garage (the man cave) and I noticed that the workbench was spotless-atypical for dad. Apparently he is staying up all night and cleaning, as a way to cope.

I just wish that I could have gotten pregnant earlier so he could have been around to see his great-grandchild. I know that I have nothing to do with it, but I wish that it could have somehow been better.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


They are all scheduled!!

1st RE u/s is Saturday 11/15 @ 5 weeks 5 days
2nd u/s 11/22 @ 6 weeks
3rd u/s 12/6 @ 8 weeks

Then, in between I have my 1st OB appointment on 12/1

5 weeks, 1 day pregnant.

PLEASE, PLEASE baby grow and be healthy!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beta #3...


So it went up 80%!!! While I'm not as excited as I would have been if it had more than doubled... it's still a good number! I keep forgetting that it doubles between 48-72 hrs


#2-323.5 120% gain and 46 hr double time

#3-582.8 80% gain and 56 hr double time

Overall 200% gain.

Over the last 5 days I had the expected results, but wish that the 3rd beta would have at least come in at a 100% increase. Oh well! I'm thankful that it went up so high!! But still a little worried : /

I will have my first u/s later in the week.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Beta #2...


It more than doubled!! YEAH!!!!

Now I need to have #3 done tomorrow and we are hoping for around 650!!!!

If things keep going as planned ::please, please, please:: I should be able to get an u/s late next week!!! WHOOOO!!!

4weeks 5 days

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beta #1...

147 @ 15DPIUI


That took FOREVER!!!!! They said that it was a good number and to come in and have the blood drawn again tomorrow (Friday)

4wks 4 days KU!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am still waiting for it.... They said it should be ready by 7pm.... well it should be! They did the draw at 7 am! UGH!!

I also need to STEEP AWAY FROM THE HPTs!!!! I keep taking them and FREAKING out when the test line takes like 3 minutes to get dark. I was reading on another girl's blog about how her last test line came up fast and dark, even before the control... and that has me so nervous!

My line is almost not there when I pee. It gives a hint of a shadow in the 1st minute, and then by the 3rd minute is there (but not darker than the control)

I just need my blood tests... just give me a number! I want to visualize it doubling and the baby being healthy~!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Knocked Up...

This was taken this morning at 14DPIUI. I can't call the RE yet because they say that you HAVE to wait till 16 before they will do a beta.

So on Thursday I will be calling them in the AM!!! And unill then... peeing on all the sticks I can find!


We are cautiously optimistic about this!!! If you know me in real life and read this blog, please don't tell anyone about this! I have tried so hard and waited to do the honors myself! THANKS!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

You're Fired...

Well.. I was... on Friday.

Can't really tell you why... because I don't actually know/understand.

All I know is that the last 13 weeks working with these 2nd graders was a total waste and I have to find another student teaching position and start all over.

I may have to pay the university again, and wait till January to begin... again.

I'm so embarrassed, and upset.

BUT!.... If I get a BFP soon... all will be forgotten!