The hormone that I'm missing is called Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protien A (PAPP-A) and while I now understand why the DR said not to worry about anything, because it doesn't mean that something WILL happen, but that I am at a higher risk.
I know that all moms try to convince themselves that "that will never happen to me" but it MUST happen to SOMEONE!!! Otherwise, there would be no studies done to show the risks involved!
My Downs Syndrome risk cam back as 1:1000 and they say that they like to see better than 1:220.
My Trisomy 18 risk was 1:2706 and anything better than 1:100 is good.
BUT.... according to my age I should have a 1:750 risk for Downs.... I thought that at 25 there wasn't a big risk... maybe they put 35 in instead???
Either way, I'm still very nervous but am becoming more aware of what this means for me; Pregnancy induced hypertension, slow fetal growth, fetal demise, pre-term labor, and the need for a c-section.
From the best that I can tell, I have some control over a few of these things; by knowing the warning signs of hypertension and pre-term labor, and not pushing my OB for a natural delivery if a C-section is better for my baby.
I guess I'm a mom already ; )