Thursday, January 8, 2009

NT Scan...

I had my NT scan today and everything looks good as far as my risk for Downs Syndrome.

Other than that... I am waiting to hear from the specialist, to tell me more of what he already told me, which wasn't that great as far as my risk for the baby not growing, blood pressure problems, and still birth.

I'm apparently missing a hormone that is causing this all, and may have been the reason we weren't getting pregnant (and the fertility drugs helped).

Now I'm sitting on edge, trying to not worry, but I need to hear this information again so my brain can process it all.



Melissa said...

I hope everything works out for you. I am at high risk for growth restriction and Pre-E and all that too due to the clotting factor.. But so far everything is fine.. Baby is still growing right on schedule, and my blood pressure has been fine! I know its scary though, reading all the risks and things.. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Sharra! I hope it all turns out great and wonderful! Try not to stress about it (((hugs)))

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I'm sure it will all turn out just fine. I had an NT scan result of inconclusive for Trisomy 18. We immediately scheduled an amnio and everything turned out fine! It's amazing what modern medicine can do!

P.S. I left something for you on my blog! :-)

Stephanie said...

I hope that dr. calls soon to give you some answers. You don't need extra worry right now! I'm glad your NT scan went well!