Wednesday, December 31, 2008


There are things in life that carry a certain ammount of risk; skydiving, IV drugs, not wearing a seatbelt... I didn't think that pregnancy was as risky as I'm now being told!

Apparently, even with my age(25), my baby has a high enough risk for Trisomy 18&21(Downs)- even after NO family history of ANY chromosonal abnormalities. My OB is having me come in for a NT scan (something I had put out of my mind, after my genetic counseling).

While I'm excited to have another u/s to see the baby, I ALREADY had one scheduled for that morning because of the bleeding from a week ago, so now I have two... fun.


Jaime said...

If it makes you feel any better my doctor does the NT scan as routine. Every patient, regardless of risk, has it done.

Stephanie said...

I had to have the NT scan too, without really much of a choice. I think b/c of the twins. But it was reassuring to know what was going on in there. I hope that everything comes out fine for you. I'll be sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.

Erin said...

Yup. same here. NT scan. It will hopefully put your mind at ease actually. I had some bleeding at 13 weeks that turned out to be nothing (just a crumbly cervix).
Good luck!