Sunday, June 15, 2008


So I've been tagged by Jacki who seems to be my 'official blog stalker' ;)

"The Meme originated over an idea that was prompted by the book written by Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser, Not Quite What I was planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. It's a compilation based on the story that Hemingway once bet $10 that he could sum up his life in six words. His were- "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn."

My Meme:(for today.... I'm in a sad mood because cycle 12 started and my 1 year wedding anniversary is around the corner... I just thought that we would be pregnant by now)

Fairytales don't always have happy endings...

I just think about myself and my friends and I wonder if we can have it all??? If it is really possible to reach all of our goals... Just because you want something, doesn't mean that it will happen. You can give it your all, but sometime everything you've got... just isn't enough.

"Life is like a box of chocolates... You never know what you are going to get"

I'm tagging Mnkari because she is my 'Sista to the South', Bada because I remember playing a game of 'phantom babies' that almost made me pee my pants, and Ariel because she was like my 'ninja support'... She always came in silently and unexpected, knowing just what to do.

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